Corona Virus and latest news - March 25th

Dear Friends

Church is changing- and we are in uncharted waters. However Jesus is with us in the boat, alongside is and in Him we place our Trust. We are called to pull together at this time of change and crises, united in care and love for neighbour and self, and be disciplined in isolation but never alone. So much is already being done in our villages and communities and a simple ‘Thank you’ to all who are involved.

ALL  our churches are now closed for private prayers


This is devastating and will come as a huge shock to everyone but for the next 3 weeks at least we must be disciplined and positively so for the good of all.

We ARE continuing to BE ‘Church’ in serving the community and praying for the whole world.

This can be our worship too.

WORSHIP and PRAYER will continue

Worship videos, liturgies and prayerscan be found at

Zoom: LIVE streaming email to be added

Facebook: search for Rev Maria Shepherdson, send me a  friend request and click ‘like’ page for ‘upperkennetchurches’


As a BENEFICE we are calling on everyone to place a lighted candle or a light of any kind in their window at 7.00 p.m EACH DAY, if it is safe to do so, as a sign of solidarity and hope in the Light that can NEVER be extinguished. Let us live within, and share with others, the Love that is God, whatever our path.

Each Village is undertaking different approaches to helping neighbours please follow the links already provided on each individual page for further information.

Rev Maria Shepherdson